Tag Archives : Jewish Federation of Rockland County

Securing Our Future

This is my latest piece. As head of the marketing and PR committee for the Jewish Community Campus capital campaign, Ensuring Our Future, I have worked with Jill Ofer and the JCC’s graphic designer, Karen Babat, to create this piece. Unfortunately, the way I can post it here on the website doesn’t begin to do […]

Federation grants program grows

by Marla Cohen  The Jewish Federation of Rockland County will allocate nearly $100,000 in grants in the upcoming campaign year to a variety of organizations and synagogue programs. The money will support an array of community projects, varying in scope from a school startup, to home care for elderly Holocaust survivors, to synagogue outreach initiatives […]

New grant model allows Federation to fund wide variety of programs

by Marla Cohen  Holocaust survivor and education services, Israel education, youth leadership development, Jewish unity and senior programming are just a handful of needs that will be funded this coming year through a new grant program of the Jewish Federation of Rockland County based on “compelling needs.” The board of directors voted in late May […]

Playing Jewish geography

Sometimes when you cover a story for a newspaper, it’s the story behind the story that can really make your day. I was covering a small dessert gathering at which Nadia, who had recently completed her stint in the Israeli army, and Tatiana, with eight months to go, were telling their story of making aliyah […]

Federation to base future funding on “compelling needs”

Organization to create new allocations model by Marla Cohen  In a move designed to raise the profile and relevance of its giving in the eyes of the community and donors, the Jewish Federation of Rockland County will begin allocating to local organizations through a grant-based process responding to the compelling needs of the community. The […]

Building community from Y to J

by Marla Cohen It’s been through several names, and many homes, but after 22 years JCC Rockland has become a center and fixture in the Rockland Jewish community. And perhaps no other organization is as closely associated with the Jewish Federation of Rockland County, which founded it, as is the JCC. The Federation started 25 […]

A helping hand for those in need

Founding RJFS gave Federation a way to change lives by Masada Siegel November 12, 2010When Rockland Jewish Family Services began in 1987, it was as a committee of the Jewish Federation of Rockland County. Forming it was a way to help meet community needs, which at that time focused on resettling Jewish immigrants from the […]

Founding a Federation, building a community 1

After 25 years, organizers reflect on work Marla Cohen  Along the way, it founded and funded an Education Center and a newspaper. And it gave support to the Holocaust Museum and Study Center and local day and Hebrew schools and a campus Hillel at Rockland Community College.It may sound like putting the cart before the […]

The Rockland Jewish Reporater

All the news that’s for the Jews

by Sara Gilbert  From the outset, the founders of the Jewish Federation of Rockland County wanted a newspaper as a way of informing and connecting the community, and giving Rockland what no other Jewish newspaper was doing – a steady diet of local news. They gave the community just that five years after forming the Federation […]