Which Hillel are you?

Ah, youth! For only youth, in all its headstrong, contradictory and stubborn ways could see the need to partner against its own interests. The driving desire to be seen as open-minded, fair and even-handed, though, is what must drive the Open Hillel movement, those students who feel that International Hillel’s partnership guidelines are too restrictive. […]

Tel Aviv is not Sun City 2

When I was working my first post-college job in the library of the Dallas Morning News, I had more papers at my disposal than anyone in the pre-internet era would have known what to do with. As I did my work, filing and cross-filing clips and attending to back-end content of one of the first […]

Turkey and latkes meet for a once-in-a-lifetime mashup 4

I had already had enough of Thanksgivukkah and its menurkeys (that’s a menorah shaped like a turkey for you blissfully uninitiated) when I saw the bourbon pecan pie adorned with Chanukah gelt. This was supposed to be yet another recipe merging the Chanukah and Thanksgiving traditions, but really it was just a pecan pie with […]

Sufganiyot 1

Chanukah and Thanksgiving coinciding is an extremely rare alignment of the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars. I’ve created pumpkin cream filled sufganiyot as my offering for Thanksgivukkah. Ingredients: ¼ cup lukewarm milk or water 1 teaspoon dry yeast 3 tablespoons sugar 1 whole egg plus 1 egg yolk 3 tablespoons sour cream or vegetable oil Pinch […]